Josh's Blog

An Original Idea

Most people will never have an original idea.

Everything they think and say and do is an echo of the people around them, or of society at large.

They hate this person because society tells them to.

They dress a certain way, or drive a certain car, because that’s what’s considered cool.

They spend so much time consuming other people’s thoughts and opinions, but they never sit alone with their own thoughts long enough to ask what it truly is that they believe.

How can you know what you feel, or think, or what beliefs you actually hold, if you never turn off the flood of information coming in?

The nonstop barrage of information means that our minds have become noisy, and blurry… You have to dial the input back if you want clarity.

Think of information entering your brain like a steady stream — slow, calm, clear. The average person’s mind is more like a waterfall — loud, opaque, hectic. They flood their mind from the time they wake up until the time they fall asleep.

Don’t be like them.

Allow for peace.

Allow time to criticize your beliefs, and see which ones are worth keeping.

Allow yourself to form your own beliefs, and make your own judgements, without being swayed by everyone else.

Then maybe you’ll have your own original idea… one that changes everything for you, or even for the world.

#mindfulness #minimalism